
            Burning the midnight oil, she sat in her room, by the window. She felt at peace. No, her workday had nothing to do with it. She stared at the sky, while listening to music, and sipping through her favorite cup of coffee.
            She thought what made her so peaceful tonight. It was a day as usual – rather it was one without any moment of peace, love life was the same – nothing bloomed suddenly, then what was it? She pondered upon the thought while playing with her hair. She slowly felt the softness of her hair against her fingers. Maybe I am beautiful, she thought to herself. Suddenly, it made sense to her. The sudden peace in her heart, the calmness of her mind – it all made sense. It all happened – because that morning she did one she never did – she accepted.
            For days – months, she had been running. Running from what a few people in the world were trying to tell her, running towards what the entire world was shouting in her ears. She always thought her curves made her ugly, her face was not perfect and her bones too wide. There were days when she would just drown in these thoughts and then someone would come along and save her from drowning. A positive aspect these few people are, those who save me from drowning – she thought.
            However, today was different. It was not someone else who was trying to save her, it was herself. Today she woke up and accepted herself – the beauty she was with all the flaws. She accepted what she meant to those few people. She accepted that she was no perfect person, but a beautiful soul with some flaws – the flaws that made her – her. She accepted her feelings – they are not right or wrong they are just feelings. She accepted her anger, her guilt, her frustration, her innocence, even her mistakes.
            You see, you do not always need a confirmation, an acceptance from someone else. At times, a few people in your life will try to accept you for who you are. What matters the most is that you accept yourself – with all your flaws, all your mistakes, your soul. This acceptance can give much more peace than anything else in this world can. For now, she will rise, everyday – stronger and better, confident and innocent – like herself. 


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